Hidden Gems to Visit  

| July 31, 2023 | 6 Min Read

There is a whole world out there waiting to be discovered, and if you love traveling, visiting beautiful destinations, and exploring extraordinary things is all part of the package. When we travel, we take photos which is our return ticket to destinations we once visited. The experiences, memories, and encounters make you a rich person. Therefore, if you have hesitated to travel, now is the time to break the barrier and find yourself in a world full of new people and cultures. If you are a traveler that likes to break the norm and explore hidden gems in different destinations, then this article is for you. When you visit a destination, your travel guide may not cover all the aspects of a region. Specific activities may or may not interest you, and you must do quality research once you reach your destination. Read the local newspapers and magazines to find information about places of interest. If you update your Facebook or Twitter status with a destination hashtag, locals would comment suggestions on the post. Importantly make sure to engage with the locals in the area, and they will let you in on something special. If you lack a local guide, the local community would be of immense help. Most locals also advise you on the cheapest and safest way to discover beautiful places. However, always make sure to take advice and help with caution. If you doubt the information you receive, it is best to crosscheck with more reliable sources such as the embassy, your tour guide, or a well-reputed internet site. Here are some of the hidden gems you could include in your bucket list.

The first destination is Philippines has always been a famous tourist destination and has several beautiful hidden gems. Jomalig Island is picture-perfect with clear blue water and golden beaches. Its untouched beauty and crystal-clear waters are what make this a destination you must visit. The Manlanat isle in Jomalig is perfect for a hiking and bird-watching experience. You can also see mangroves, watch the sunrise or even go snorkeling. The island is a rich embodiment of experiences and blessed with natural beauty. 

The next place you can visit is the Pamukkale springs in Turkey. When you visit the hot springs, you will see a beautiful cotton-white castle. These hot pools are due to mineral deposits over many years. They have been known for their extraordinary healing properties. If you stop by, make sure to bathe in these hot pools. The pools closer to the top are the warmest, while the pools near the bottom have lukewarm water. However, these thermal pools can be slippery because of the mineral deposits. Therefore, take caution when moving around in the hot springs. Remember to take your sun hat, plenty of water, and wear your sunscreen with a 50 plus SPF content. This natural beauty is a mesmerizing experience and is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Due to the pandemic, they have now limited their visiting hours, so make sure to check with your local guide on the hours available.

If you are fascinated with Pamukkale springs, you are in for another wonder tucked away in China. The blue lake at Jiuzhaigou national park is a crystal blue lake filled with soul and beauty. The 1375-meter-long turquoise lake is between the Min mountains near the Tibetan plateau. Apart from the blue lake, you can experience waterfalls, snow-capped mountains, and unspoiled grasslands. The magnificent waterfalls give the appearance of weaving white silk pouring out of a lush green forest, while the snowcapped mountains provide a sense of tranquility. The fairytale atmosphere of the national park eventually made it a UNESCO world heritage site. If you visit the park in spring or summer, you can observe the beautiful lakes and waterfalls, while snowcapped mountains are visible only during winter. The park is vast, and you will need two days to see the main attractions. It is best to visit the park with your travel guide to make the best use of time.

Next, the Quinta da Regaleira in Portugal. It is an estate with a grand residence of five floors. The residence in the estate has a Gothic interior and a sweeping garden. The estate is also home to numerous tunnels and caves that have always intrigued visitors. However, the initiation wells within this attraction have always left people in awe. It has a spiral staircase with well-supported columns and nine landings. Explanations state that this represents the ‘nine sections of purgatory’ while others call it the ‘nine skies of paradise’. Even though the architecture and reason for its existence remain a mystery, it is a place you would want to visit.

Secondly, you might have heard the nursery rhyme, crooked man, but have you heard of the crooked forest? The forest is located in Poland and comprises pine trees with a rather odd shape. These pine trees point upright above ground level, giving them the famous shape. Up to date, the reason behind the formation of these trees is unknown. However, they have aroused visitors and are a place you should not miss on.

Flowers are delicate, beautiful and the Hitachi Seaside Park is an expression of this beauty. It is located in Ibaraki, Japan, and is an unforgettable attraction if you visit Japan. Beautiful flowers are blooming across the year and are picture-worthy. The Nemophila flower grows in abundance, making the area look like a vast sea of blue. If you visit the location in October, you will see blush pink Kochia flowers blooming. The park is massive, and you may not be able to cover the entire area on foot. Therefore, you can rent a bicycle or take the seaside train to have a breathtaking experience. The two-hundred-hectare park has food stalls, golf courses and even hosts concerts that you can explore.

Lastly, the Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, Germany, is a magnificent piece of work. The fairytale castle was the inspiration behind Walt Disney’s theme park. There are magnificent rooms with art, and murals adorned with gold and violet silks. It is indeed a castle fit for royalty. The hallways are graced, with chandeliers and mosaic floor art. You should be accompanied by a tour guide to enter the castle. Due to the prevailing pandemic, visiting hours are limited and, you should be vaccinated to enter the location. Ask your local tour guide for information on the health guidelines.

These are just a few of the many hidden gems found in the world. If you love a good adventure, take a moment to add the places mentioned in your travel list. Make sure to be aware of the health guidelines in each destination and contact the embassy or the local tour guide for details. Every destination has something unique and memorable to offer. The voyage- of- discovery is not about visiting landmarks but gaining a new perspective on life and learning to appreciate the wonders of the world. Importantly don’t dream about your bucket list, make it happen, and discover yourself in the process.

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